Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Raw Mango chutney

Mango chutney goes good with hot cooked rice, curd rice and parathas. Here is a recipe for this tasty raw mango chutney . It is very easy to make.

1.       Raw Mango – 1 medium sized.
2.       Red chilly powder – 2 tea spoons or according to taste.
3.       Asafetida – 1 pinch
4.       Salt – according to taste
5.       Fenugreek seeds – ¼ tea spoon
6.       Mustard seeds – ¼ tea spoon
7.       Sesame oil – 3 table spoon

Cut the mango into two halves and remove its seed . Grate this mango with a grater. (use large hole side). Heat a wok or kadahi on stove. Pour sesame oil to it. When oil is heated add mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds and asafetida. When mustard seeds splutter add grated mango salt and chilly powder. Allow this to soften and turn the mango pulp now and then. When mango pulp becomes soft, turn off the heat and allow the chutney to cool. Store this in an airtight container and refrigerate it. It has a shelf life of 15 days when properly cooked and stored in refrigerator.

Read Mango and Male Fertility an Ayurveda View

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Onion Chutney
Coconut Chutney

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of sesame

Sesame is an oil crop which is widely grown in India and China. Sesame is a common ingredient in almost all cuisines around the world. With a rich nutty flavor, it has gained an important place on kitchen shelves.

Sesame is an annual plant. This erect plant grows to a height of 40 to 90 cms. The leaves vary in size and shape. The flowers are bell shaped and vary in color (white, pale yellow, purple). The fruit of this plant is a capsule and contain small seeds. Upon ripening the fruit naturally splits and releases the seeds. The seeds have highest oil content than any other oil seeds.

The texts of ayurveda have described medicinal properties of sesame. It is known as “tila” in Sanskrit, “til” in hindi. Ayurveda acharyas describe three varieties of sesame based on colour of seeds. They are “Raktha(red), Krishna(black) and  shweta(white)”. Usually Krishna tila or black sesame seeds are considered to have excellent medicinal properties and are recommended in ayurvedic treatments and ayurvedic preparations.

Sesame seeds contain approximately 50% oil and 25% protein. The oil of theses seeds contains about 47% oleic and 39% linoleic acid. Foods prepared with sesame oil have long shelf life, because the oil contains an antioxidant called sesamol. The residual sesame meal left after the oil pressing is rich in protein and used as an excellent protein supplement for live stock. Soaps prepared from this oil help to maintain skin health.

According to principles of ayurveda sesame is heavy to digest and increases moistness of tissues. It tastes sweet and has hot potency (ushna). The seeds and oil are used for medicinal purposes.

Ayurveda medicinal properties of sesame:

1. Sesame normalizes vata and vitiates pitta and kapha. It has properties of “Yogavahi” . Yogavahi is a substance which has a quality of penetrating the deepest tissues. When sesame is processed with other herbs it normalizes all the three doshas.  Hence this is used in diseases arising due to vitiation of vata. And it can also be used in diseases caused due to vitiation of tridoshas.

2. The sesame oil can be used in dry skin conditions. It increases the moistness of skin and help to make it soft and smooth. The oil has excellent wound healing properties. The hair growth increases when scalp is massaged regularly with this oil. It prevents hair loss, formation of dandruff, splitting of hair etc. It is used for massaging patients who suffer from paralysis, body pain and pain in joints.

3. Sesame acts as a brain tonic.

4. Chewing these oil seeds help to reduce tooth ache. It also increases appetite. Sesame can be effectively used in indigestion and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

5. It is very helpful in conditions like diabetes and reduces frequency of urination.

6. When sesame seeds are administered with butter, it reduces pain and bleeding in hemorrhoids.

7. These oil seeds are useful in uterine conditions like dysmenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea.  They act as galactogague and increase the milk secretion in lactating mothers. The sesame seeds act as aphrodisiac and help in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda help through ayurveda consultations . Read article at Ayurveda medicinal properties of sesame plant drsavithasuri@gmail.com

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram - Vigna mungo-urad dal

Black gram or black lentil is known as urad dal in Hindi. In texts of ayurveda this bean is known as “MASHA”. Black gram is a bean grown mainly in south Asia. The plant of this bean is erect and hairy. It is an annual herb. It has a tap root which branches to form branched roots. The cylindrical pod of this plant contains seeds. The pods are usually six cm long.

Nutritional facts: Black gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and devoid of cholesterol. It is store house of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Urad dal contains vitamins and dietary fibers. Due to high potassium content urad dal acts as an aphrodisiac. (High blood pressure occurs due to high sodium level and low potassium level. Black gram contains plenty of potassium. This helps to balance sodium potassium level and reduce hypertension or high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in erectile dysfunction. )

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram or urad dal:

According to texts of ayurveda this bean is heavy to digest and increases the moistness of body tissues. It is sweet to taste and hot in potency. All these properties help to normalize or calm vitiated vata. Consumption of this bean increases kapha and pitta.

Imbalanced vata dosha causes many diseases and also leads to men health problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and motility etc. Hence Ayurveda acharyas recommend use of “masha” in many health conditions.

Anti inflammatory properties: According to principles of ayurveda vitiation of vata causes inflammation of tissues and initiates the sensation of pain.“Masha” or urad dal normalizes vata and hence has anti inflammatory properties. Usually a hot poultice of black gram is used in inflammation of joints and muscle pain. Massaging with herbal oil processed with this wonderful herb helps to reduce pain and inflammation

Nervous system disorders:  This herb strengthens nervous system. Ayurveda acharyas recommend preparations of this herb in nervous debility, partial paralysis, facial paralysis and other disorders which involve nervous system.

Disorders of digestive system: “Vigna Mungo” or masha helps to increase bulk of stools. The moistness increasing property coupled with bulk increasing quality helps in easy movement of bowel.  Therefore usage of this bean is recommended in conditions like constipation, piles and colic. This herb is a very good liver stimulant.

Action on male reproductive system: Texts of ayurveda eulogize the aphrodisiac properties of black gram. It increases sperm count and sperm motility.(Increases quality and quantity of semen). It is very effective in erectile dysfunction (impotence) and premature ejaculation

Action on female reproductive system: This herb is effective in dysmenorrhea and primary amenorrhea .It increases milk secretion in lactating mothers.

Apart from above mentioned medicinal properties, black gram also helps in increasing body bulk and body energy level. It strengthens the body and increases lifespan.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Help through ayurveda remedies . Read article at Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram drsavithasuri@gmail.com

Magnificent Mango

Mango belongs to the family “Anacardiaceae”. It has the scientific name “Magnifera Indica” and is widely found in India and south East Asia. Mango trees have deep roots and reach the height of 40 ft - 120 ft . Young mango leaves are copper in color and matured ones have deep green color. The flowers of mango tree are mostly male which supply pollens and few are bisexual which help in formation of fruits.

Bark, leaves, flowers, seed, raw and ripe fruits of mango have myriad medicinal uses. Texts of ayurveda mention various herbal preparations using different parts of mango tree. These preparations are used to normalize a variety of health conditions.

The Mango Bark, flower, leaves, and seed kennel are astringent and cause dryness of body tissues.  Ripe mango fruit is sweet to taste and increases sliminess and mucous secretion. Raw Mango is sour in taste and vitiates all three doshas.

Ripe mango normalizes vata and pitta. It helps to relieve constipation and normalize digestion. Consumption of ripe mango increases hemoglobin in blood and is very useful in treating anaemia. Ayurvedic texts eulogize the uses of ripe mango as an aphrodisiac. It is known to rejuvenate male reproductive system and increase quality and quantity of semen. It also increases sexual energy (as it nourishes rakta dhatu) and stamina. Thus it helps in erectile dysfunction and low libido. Ripe mango strengthens the body, increases body bulk and increases glow of skin

Bark, flower, leaves and seed kennel are used to prevent bleeding and to heal chronic wounds. These also help in controlling diarrhea and dysentery. The seed kennel helps to eliminate intestinal parasites and to control dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Seed kennel and tender leaves are useful in urinary tract infections. Bark and seed kennel are used in herbal preparations to reduce inflammation of uterus. Mango leaves reduce vomiting sensation.

Nutritional facts of mango

Texts of Ayurveda commend its nutritional and medicinal value. The following are nutritional facts of mango

Mango is rich in carbohydrates .Therefore helps to gain weight and energy. Ayurveda acharyas have indicated that mangoes cause “Brimhanatwa” (increase in weight) and increase “Bala” (strength).

Persons who suffer from anemia are benefited by this fruit as it contains iron. Hence its use is indicated in “Pandu” (anemia) in ayurveda.

High fibers in mango fruit help to relieve constipation. This property helps to normalize doshas and help to expel body toxins.

This fruit is a good source of a variety of minerals and vitamins which help to increase sexual energy. Hence ayurveda acharyas call this fruit as “Vrishya”. This means the one which help in erectile dysfunction, to increase quality and quantity of semen and act as aphrodisiac.

Natural vitamins of mango (Vit A, Vit C)  help to relieve clogged pores of skin and increase fairness and its glow. Hence this fruit is known for its property of “Varnya” in ayurveda.

Different parts of mango tree are known to help in following conditions

Bacterial Infections
Clogged Pores
Eye disorder
Fever -
Hair Loss
Heat Stroke
Liver Disorders
Menstrual Disorders
Morning Sickness
Prickly Heat
Respiratory Problems
Spleen Enlargement

This article is copyrighted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Help through free ayurveda consultations . Read Complete article at Ayurveda Health Benefits of Mango

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Butter milk –A healthy drink described in ayurveda

Butter milk is known as “Takra” in ayurveda. Its properties and medicinal qualities are described in as follows.

Takram laghu kashayaamlam deepanam kaphavaatajit  ||
Showphodaraarshowgrahanidoshamootragrahaaruchee  |
Pleehagulmaghritavyaapadgarpaanduvaamayaan jayeth  ||

Butter milk does not cause heaviness when consumed. Hence it is known to have the quality “laghu”. It gets digested quickly and easily. Butter milk is usually sour in taste and acts as an astringent. (Due to this property butter milk helps in reducing pores caused by acne and pimples. It reduces hyper motility of intestines during diarrhea and IBS. This property also helps to shrink hemorrhoids).Aggravated kapha and vata are mitigated by buttermilk. It is the best appetizer. According to ayurveda it reduces bloating of stomach, eases symptoms of hemorrhoids, soothes intestines in IBS and helps in indigestion. It also reduces effects of poison and is very useful in treating anemia.

Butter milk detoxifies body and cleanses the intestines, relieves constipation and helps to replenish intestinal flora. It has less fat compared to milk and is rich in calcium, potassium and vit B12.

How to prepare butter milk:
Thick curd should be whipped to separate butter. The liquid portion which remains after separating butter is called as butter milk or “takra”.  When this butter milk is mixed with water , it is called as “sajala takra”. If the buttermilk is used without adding water, it is called as “nirjala takra”.

How to make a Tasty drink out of buttermilk:
Mix ½ glass of butter milk to ½ glass of water. Churn it well. Add a pinch of salt, ½ tea spoon ginger juice and squeeze ½ lime to it. Garnish with coriander leaves. This quenches  thirst, reduces nausea and vomiting.

Home remedies using buttermilk:
1.    Mix a pinch of salt, ½ tea spoon ginger juice and crushed cumin seeds or jeera to a glass of butter milk. This relieves acidity, constipation and symptoms of piles.
2.    Add a pinch of salt, a tea spoon of sugar to a glass of butter milk diluted with water. This acts as a very good rehydrating formula in diarrhea and dehydration. It supplies energy instantaneously and reduces frequency of stools.
3.    It is a healthy drink for people who suffer from obesity, piles and inflammed colon or ibs.
4.    Massage a mixture of butter milk and salt on pores caused by acne and pimples. Then wash it off with warm water and rinse once again with cold water. This helps to reduce the pores.
5.    Regular consumption of butter milk strengthens the digestive system and keeps it free from infections.

Read article bY dr.Savitha Suri at Butter Milk

Nutritious tomato cucumber salad (raita)

Fresh vegetable salads are store houses of nutrients. They provide plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals. They fill the stomach and are very low in calorie content. Salads are ideal food for people who are on weight loss program. Here is a tasty salad recipe which goes good with chapathi , paratha and rice varieties like pulao.

Tender Cucumber (small size)- 1
Tomato – 2 (med size
Ground nut –  1 table spoon
Curd (yogurt) – 1 cup
Green chilli or pepper powder (optional)
Salt – to taste
Coriander leaves-


Wash the cucumber and peel its skin. Grate it with the help of a grater on the side with large holes. Cut tomato into small squares. Roast the ground nut and remove its husk. Powder it coarsely. Finely chop coriander leaves. Mix all the ingredients together to make salad and garnish with coriander leaves.

Benefits of ingredients:

Cucumber: Cucumber is very low in calories and provides plenty of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps to reduce constipation and ease bowel movement. Cucumber is rich in potassium. This helps to balance sodium potassium level and reduce hypertension or high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in erectile dysfunction.  Cucumber is mildly diuretic. Its high fiber content and diuretic property help to check weight gain. It contains plenty of anti oxidants which help to boost overall health and skin health in particular.

Tomatoes: Recent studies have shown that tomatoes are good for cancer prevention. Regular consumption of tomatoes help to prevent cancers of lung, prostate, stomach, cervical, breast, oral, colorectal, esophageal, pancreatic, etc. Tomato is also good for liver health. Tomato has detoxification effect in the body. Tomato juice acts as a good rejuvenating and energy drink. It reduces the risks of cardio vascular diseases. Red and ripe tomatoes act as powerful antioxidants.

Ground Nut: Ground nuts are rich in nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti oxidants. They contain mono unsaturated fatty acids which increase HDl or good cholesterol. These nuts contain plenty of amino acids. The antioxidants in ground nuts protect heart and supply essential minerals like copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium etc.

Curd:  Intestinal infections like cholera, typhoid, amoebiasis etc usually surface during summer. Consuming curd daily during summer helps to increase intestinal flora (friendly bacteria present in intestine). These bacteria increase the resistance of our intestines to these infections. Hence curd is known as a probiotic.

Probiotics are the good bacteria that promote healthy digestion and build immunity. The most common friendly bacteria (probiotics) are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. These probiotics are easily available in the form of curd (yogurt). Persons who cannot digest milk can digest curd easily.

Consuming curd daily especially during summer, keeps the digestion and intestinal problems away. According to ayurveda curd absorbs water from intestines (hence called as Grahi). By the virtue of this property it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. It mitigates vata dosha, increases kapha and pitta. Curd helps to increase quality and quantity of semen, strengthens the body, accelerates digestion (agni), stimulates taste buds and acts as an appetizer. Curd reduces irritability of bladder and helps in emptying bladder easily.

Medicinal properties of Curd- as explained in ayurveda

According to ayurveda the properties of curd are described as follows.

1. The curd is sour (amla) to taste.

2. It absorbs water from intestines (hence called as Grahi). By the virtue of this property it is widely used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

3. It causes heaviness when used in excess and may cause constipation.

4. It mitigates vata dosha, increases kapha and pitta. Curd should not be used in diseases where blood is vitiated by doshas.

5. Regular consumption of this in pure form increases body fat and may cause obesity.

6. Curd helps to increase quality and quantity of semen.

7. It strengthens the body.

8. Consumption of curd accelerates digestion (agni), stimulates taste buds and acts as an appetizer.

9. It is found beneficial in diseases of duodenum.The intestinal friendly bacteria which are present in curd help to keep the colon healthy.

10. It reduces irritability of bladder and helps in emptying bladder easily.

11.It is a good source of calcium which help in building and repair of bones. Hence children and women are advised to consume curd regularly

Dos and donts for using curd:

1.    Curd should not be eaten at nights.
2.    It should not be boiled or heated.
3.    Always it has to be mixed with honey or sugar before consuming.
4.    Its properties get enhanced when mixed with cooked green gram or ghee or gooseberries (amla  , Emblica Officinalis).
5.    Curd should be used only when it is well formed or completely coagulated.
6.    Consumption of incompletely coagulated curd may flare up herpes outbreaks, psoriasis, bleeding in hemorrhoids, ibs etc. and may cause giddiness.

Home remedies using curd

1.    Dandruff is a known cause of hair loss. Applying sour curd as a pack to scalp and hair , once in a week prevents formation of dandruff.
2.    Mix moong dal (green gram) powder with curd and massage it to scalp and brush it on hair. Wash it off after 1 hour. This helps to prevent hair loss and dandruff. It also helps to increase hair growth.
3.    Dry orange peel in summer and powder it. Mix this powder with little curds massage it on face and neck. This acts as an excellent cleanser and cleanses clogged pores thus preventing acne and pimples.
4.    Curds when mixed with sugar acts as an excellent body coolant and instant energizer. It also quenches thirst.
5.    A mixture of besan (gram flour)  is an excellent  pack to rejuvenate facial skin and body skin.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda help through ayurveda remedies .Read more about medicinal properties of curd at Properties of curd as described in ayurveda